Since the explosion of the videogame market (now more than 15years ago.. sigh) the way we play videogames is getting worst and worst.
I'm not talking about the introduction of new technological device to improve the feeling and the immersion of the gamers in the magical world of videogames, but about the fact that Softwarehouse are blinding following what customers want/buy.
Infact, here's the problem.. Looks like none know that customers/gamers DON'T actually know what they will want in the next future.
Is not the second main purpose of the producers understand their clients (the main one ofc is make money)?
This way to think about the videogame market had brought to a freeze of the ideas.
All games look the same, the market offers like 20 kinds of "Call of Duty" games (yes, you're right but I don't want to start a game-war so don't rage if I didn't talk about BF4).
The ocean is red.
It's time to flip.. Let the creatives be creative, help the gamers to discover what we want.
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